In this guide, I’ll share all my top Glastonbury tips and hacks so you can make the most of this festival weekend. You’ll also find a complete festival packing list doing the preparation work for you.

My first Glastonbury was epic – I had such a good time (despite being ill with a bladder infection and having to visit the festival’s makeshift hospital!!!). There is a lot to take in, though. Thousands of people, bad weather, a huge site and way too much to fit into a weekend.

Following these top tips will make sure you don’t end up ‘one of those people’ whose tent gets flooded or who doesn’t realise you can bring your own booze!

7 Hacks for staying warm when camping

Festival camping checklist

9 Top Glastonbury Tips

Here are the things I wished someone had told me before going..

#1 Glastonbury Ticket Tip

You are about to fight for competitive tickets, so improve your chances as much as possible by working in a pool. Glastonbury allows you to buy up to 6 tickets if you get through. Find 5 other people who want to go…that means you have 6 chances instead of 1 (if you don’t have friends interested, find people online using forums and Facebook).

Make sure everyone in the group has everyone else’s details and registration number as they will need that to book the tickets.

Base yourselves at 6 different locations using different internet networks. As soon as the site is up for tickets click through and you will join a queue. Don’t keep refreshing, it will do it automatically. If you are lucky and one of your group gets through. Buy the tickets asap.

If you aren’t lucky, check for re-sale. I’ve had more success with re-sales than in the original sales.

#2 Bring your own drinks and snacks

Glastonbury allows you to bring your own food and/or drink. There is always a ton of great street food available and you won’t want to miss out on that. But sometimes you just want a snack without queuing for 20 minutes and paying a premium.

Equally, it can be annoying queueing for an overpriced drink. You’ll save a small fortune, hassle and time by bringing your own.

When packing my drink stash I ran out of space in my bag so with the spares I used duct tape and put them together with a handle….it worked really well and loads of people told me they would steal this idea. It’s a solid system:


#3 Don’t listen to everyone else’s advice

I couldn’t believe how many people were giving me unwanted advice and telling me how I should ‘do’ my festival.

The thing I love most about festivals is the variety and so many different people there that you can completely make what you want of it. Personally, I wanted to see a handful of my favourite bands. I wanted to see all the different sections of Glastonbury and was way more interested in enjoying the live music in the tents in the daytime than seeing DJ’s and clubbing at night. It’s a personal preference.

Early riser, late-night partier, want to see the big acts, more interested in watching the circus all day…it’s all available.

Decide what you want out of it and ignore everyone’s advice.

Glasto stage

#4 Grab those freebies

Glastonbury has some great freebies and information points which they don’t really advertise.

The information points give out free recycled toilet paper so you only need to take a small amount with you. Also, make sure you check out the Free Press. They print a free Glastonbury newspaper (using traditional print methods). It’s fun to read and is the best souvenir you can take home from the festival.

Glasto press

#5 Where to pitch your tent at Glastonbury

Glastonbury has different camping areas with different vibes. There’s a field for families, noisy party areas and quieter spots a bit further away from the centre of the site.

When camping the golden rule is to camp high (not at the bottom of a slope) and away from the walking tracks. After half an hour of rain, I saw loads of tents flooded and ruined by having hundreds of people trample over them because they were on the edge of the field. Over time crowds start to avoid the muddy mess that the paths turn into and start to push closer and closer into the tents on the edge.

I’d also avoid being within 100 meters of the toilets because if the sun comes out those things really stick.

It’s important to remember the name of your site in case you get really lost!!

Here’s a good article to help you choose where to camp.

Glastonbury mud and tents

#6 There’s so much more than just music

Glastonbury has additional entertainment besides the music….this was probably one of my favourite part of the festivals. There’s art, dance, drama and circus performances, crafts and workshops.

It’s well worth setting aside a bit of time just to wander and see what’s there.

Glasto train crash

#7 Pack for cold, rain and sun

Good wellies and a decent waterproof are essential and most people don’t forget this part (although I saw so many crappy abandoned broken wellies – such a waste on the environment, get a decent pair that will last!). What you see loads of is people who are really cold because they don’t have enough warm clothing…..and people who are bright red from sunburn.

It’s worth taking a cheap blanket to throw in your tent for chilly evenings.

Festival camping checklist

#8 Learn how to survive the loos!

The toilets are seriously gross. They start off ok but end up so disgusting it’s almost enough to put me off going back. The worst is when it’s hot….eww! The best toilets on site are the long drop ones that are maintained by water aid. They’re very clean. Second, to that are compost toilets. The compost helps hide the smell.

Girls, you will not regret taking a SheWee (you can get them on Amazon). It was the best purchase I ever made for festivals. It takes a little practising so try it out in the shower a few times first. The trick is to lean forward slightly and make sure the end is pointing down.

This device will save you having to go anywhere near the dirty crap covered disgusting toilets.

Glasto loos

#9 Embrace the dirt

You are going to get muddy and dirty and unless you know someone well-connected or are going to fish out for a luxury camping area, you won’t wash the whole time. I saw lots of campers desperately trying to look presentable. I even spotted a girl fighting her mud dried dirty hair with battery-operated straighteners.

Baby wipes and deodorant – it’s all you need!

Festival camping checklist

Glastonbury Packing List

This Glastonbury packing list will ensure you don’t forget anything important for your festival!

Remember that there’s a walk between your car/bus/train to your campspot. This can often be quite a trek (much longer than most people anticipate)…. So rule number one is pack light.

There’s a good chance that what you take will get ruined or lost. So rule number 2 is don’t take too many nice things or valuables. But having said that it’s really important that you don’t contribute to this terrible throw-away culture that some festivals have. Our gear isn’t expensive but it’s lasted us quite a few festivals now (saving both money and the planet)


– main pack (nothing with wheels – they don’t work on grass)
– small bag (for taking items you need in the day)


– shorts
– jeans
– 4 tops
– underwear
– jumper
– warm fleece
– waterproof
– hat
– wellies
– flip flops for around camp


– tent (I use a Vango Banshee 300, 3 man tent or 2 with lots of space. It’s a little pricey but is amazing. Guaranteed not to leak and can withstand extreme rain and wind conditions. Cheap tents will leak and you will be cold and miserable. The investment is worth it)
– sleeping bag
– roll mat
– pillow (take a cheap one you can throw away after – so worth it!)
– cheap fleece blanket
– earplugs and eye mask (essential)


– babywipes
– toothbrush & paste
– 1 toilet paper
– basic first aid kit
– sunscreen
– antibacterial hand wipe


– Petzl head torch (take this with you for the day if you might be back late – you’ll need it to find your tent. Petzl are the best brand and won’t eat your batteries)
– sunglasses
– thick bin liners (for rubbish and keeping things dry if you have a flooding problem)
– small dry bag (amazing for your phone and valuables so you don’t need to worry about them
– drink and snacks

– phone (better to take an old one if you have it. There were lots of times when the signal was down because of overuse on the network, meaning we weren’t able to meet up with friends, so make a plan beforehand and don’t rely on phones)
– Cash (£40 a day was plenty for me – bearing in mind I took my own booze. Keep it with you and not in the tent)
– Running belt (amazing, easy, safe way to carry your cash and phone without having to worry about a bag. Turn the belt so the zip is on the inside to make it extra safe)
– ID (places will ID you)
– Festival ticket (important!)

Any questions? Just ask in the comments box below.

If you found this Glastonbury Top tips, hacks and packing list helpful, follow me on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Or you can subscribe to my YouTube channel. I give all my advice for free on my website. If you want to say thanks, you can buy me a coffee!

*Any women reading this?* I founded a women’s adventure community called Love Her Wild. Check out our private Facebook page and see what adventures we have coming up.

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