Most of my adventure ideas come from one source….other people. Nothing gets my mind brewing more than reading, watching and following others on their adventure. It’s FOMO of the good kind!

I wanted to put together this post listing over 100 adventures that have been undertaken – big and small, far and wide. I hope it will inspire you when thinking up your next adventure.

I’m constantly updating this list, so drop me a line once you’re past the finish line of your adventure and I’ll add you!

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Adventure ideas


Before we start….

If you are new to this blog, I’m Bex Band – a full-time UK adventurer and founder of the women’s adventure community, Love Her Wild. I’m on a mission to make getting outdoors and going on adventures as easy as possible. You can read more about me here.

If you have any questions, please do use the comments box below. And for ongoing tips and inspiration on camping and adventure, make sure you follow me on Facebook and Instagram. I appreciate every follow 🙂

100+ adventure ideas

  1. Tom Allen Cycled Lands End to John o Grants without spending a penny 
  2. Tim Moss: Travelled around the world in 80 ways 
  3. Laura Kennington: Did a Channel Island Triathlon
  4. Maria Leijerstam: Became the first person in the world to cycle from the edge of the Antarctic continent to the South Pole
  5. Levison WoodWalked the length of the Nile
  6. Elise Downing: Completed a 5000 mile run around the UK coastline
  7. Lois PryceMotorcycled across the Americas, Africa, Brazil and Iran 
  8. Coxless Crew: First all female group to row the Pacific Ocean
  9. Kate Leeming: Trans-siberian cycle expedition
  10. David Rock and friends: ‘kidnapped’ a London hire bike and attempted to cycle in back from Cardiff in a day
  11. Anna McnuffRan the full length of New Zealand
  12. Emily Conrad-Pickles & James Davis: Cycled from London to Cape Town
  13. Family on Bikes: Family of 4 cycled across the Americas
  14. Emmy Collett: When diagnosed with terminal cancer, she took on an adventure cycling 2000km across Europe 
  15. Dave Cornthwaite: Skateboarded across Australia
  16. Helen Neville: 55 year old who ran across america
  17. Susie Pike: Cycled 5000km across Australia
  18. Leon McCarron: Walked 1000miles across the Middle East
  19. Laura MaiseyRan home from Rome
  20. Sarah Outentravled London to London cycling and rowing
  21. The Turner Twins: Undertake challenges comparing the performance of old and new technology
  22. Steve Dew-JonesHitchhiked from Argentina to Alaska
  23. Duncan Dyason: Walked 30 marathons in 30 days across Central America
  24. George Mahood: Travelled the full length of the UK with no money or gear (he started in just a pair of boxers!). 
  25. Justine Gosling: Combined history and adventure cycling and walking along the line of the Iron Curtain
  26. Jamie McDonaldthe first person to run 5000 miles from the Atlantic coast of Canada to the Pacific coast (dressed as a superhero)
  27. The Slow Travel Girls: A trans-Atlantic duo who set off on their first, slow, long-distance journey
  28. Alastair Humphreys: Cycled around the world
  29. Carmen Braun: 100 nights camping in a year
  30. Rosie Stancer: Went to the North pole solo
  31. Rosie Swale-Pope: When her husband passed away she took on a challenge to ran solo around the world 
  32. Dylan Haskins: Cycled around Costa Rica by Beach Cruiser
  33. Jenny Tough: Ran across Kyrgyzstan
  34. George & Jaxson: 2 teenagers who walked crossed Stradbroke Island
  35. Helen Lloyd: 25,000km cycling through Africa 
  36. Tom DayHitchhiked to Singapore
  37. Sean Conway: Completed the worlds longest triathlon, 4200 miles around the coast of the UK
  38. Louis-Philippe Loncke: Completed multiple long treks and kayaking expeditions
  39. Zoe: Ticking off a bucket list of adventures
  40. Kate: Climbed Kilimanjaro amongst other adventures
  41. The Meek Family: Left their jobs and school to take on a bucket list of adventures
  42. Roge Luque: Cycled from Cambridge to Oslo
  43. Mark Kalch: Paddling the longest river on every continent
  44. Nic Connor: Once cycled to Japan on £1000
  45. Matthew and Sarah: Travelled from Prague to Berlin in a Pedalo
  46. Amy Elisabeth Ennis: Ran the North Pole marathon
  47. James Forrest: Walked the 214 Wainwrights in the Lake District
  48. Paul Huckleberry EverittBuilt a traditional timber log raft to go down the Mississippi River
  49. Olie Hunter Smart: Walked and kayaked the length of the Amazon, over 4,000 miles in 4.5 months
  50. Charlie Knight: Walked from Mexico to Canada
  51. Alex K-m: Ran from the North of Europe to the South
  52. Matt BaileyVisiting all 962 UNESCO world heritage sites in the world
  53. James Greig: Cycled 100 miles to hand deliver the first t-shirt a customer bought
  54. Graham Huges: Was the first person to visit every country in the world without flying
  55. Rogue PriestTravel from the US to South America without the aid of an engine
  56. Karen Darke: Hand cycled across Japan
  57. Turner: Travelling around the world in 80 jobs
  58. Lucy BarnardWalking the length of the world
  59. Tim Platton: Running 1000 miles in a year
  60. Scott Butler: Rowed From Burgas in Bulgaria to Batumi in Georgia across the Black Sea 
  61. Shilpika GautamFirst ever stand up paddle board descent of the river Ganges 
  62. Miles Hilton-Barber: Completed a 55 day, 13,000mile microlight adventure – and happens to be blind!
  63. Belinda Kirk: Walked across Nicaragua
  64. Hannah Engelkamp: Trekked 1000 miles around Wales with a donkey named Chico
  65. Emma TImmis: Roller-skated across the Netherlands in seven days
  66. Antonia and Jo: Travelled from Bangkok to Brighton in a pink Tuk Tuk
  67. Leigh, Paul and Johno: Drove across the world in a London taxi
  68. Russel Smith: Travelled the length of Britain on a kick scooter
  69. Chris Evans and Ant Sed: Clocked up 5000km of endurance races in a year
  70. Howard James: Swam the English channel at night
  71. Matt Prior: Rode 2000km on a WW2 motor bike across Siberia in winter
  72. Felicity Ashton: First woman to solo ski across the Antarctic
  73. Colin and Julie Angus: Travelled around the world on human power
  74. Tim Millikin: Cycling from Reading in the UK to Reading in USA 
  75. Jason LewisA human-powered circumnavigation of the world
  76. Rob Gauntlett and James Hooper: Completing a 22,000-mile journey from the magnetic North to the magnetic South Poles
  77. Matthew Karsten: Hitchhiked across America
  78. Scott Thompson: Travelled the longest journey by rickshaw
  79. Ed Stafford: Walked the Amazon
  80. Alex Flynn: When diagnosed with Parkinson’s, took on a 10million metre challenge
  81. Arry Beresford-webb: First person to run the perimeter around Wales
  82. Natalia Spencer: Hiked 6,000 miles of the UK coast in memory of her young daughter
  83. Monisha Rahesh: Around the world in 80 trains 
  84. Klara Harden: Spent 1 month solo in the Iceland wilderness
  85. Ash DykesSolo unsupported trek across Mongolia
  86. Megan Lewis: Rode horseback from Beijing to London 
  87. Eleanor Moseman: 15,000 mile cycle through Asia  
  88. Roz Savage: First woman ever to row solo across three oceans 
  89. Rob Thomson: Riding a skateboard around the world  
  90. Ness Knight: Cycling across Bolivia with no money
  91. Peycho and Henrik: Built a bamboo raft and sailed down the Amazon river 
  92. Joff Summerfield: Riding around the world for a second time on a penny-farthing  
  93. Lars Simonsen: Kayak adventure from Copenhagen to Istanbul
  94. Addis and Athena: Mother and daughter kayaked 130 miles down the Leeds and Liverpool canal 
  95. Phoebe Smith: Travels around Britain finding extreme places to sleep 
  96. Fiona Quinn: Did source to sea on the river Cam, 3 times with 3 modes of transport 
  97. Kristoffer Glestad: Spent 6 months alone in the wilderness  
  98. Amanda McDonnall: Running across the Channel Islands 
  99. Tim Brayshaw: 24 twenty four hour challenges  
  100. Stephen Brassett: Walking New Zealand pulling a sleeping trailer 
  101. Philippa Cox: Cycled the length of Europe
  102. Lucja Leonard and Marina Ranger: Ran 500km the length of Holland in their underwear
  103. Ian Finch: canoed the length of the Yukon river
  104. Walk for Aoife: travelled 400 miles from Manchester to Dingle, including kayaking the Irish Sea, for his sister
  105. Jacki Hillrecreates the journeys of early female explorers
  106. Kate Rawles: Cycling from Columbia to Cape Horn on a self-built bamboo bike
  107. Kerry-Anne Mairs: 5 nights, 5 bothies with a 5-year-old
  108. Richard Walks London: became the first person to circumnavigate the M25 motorway non-stop on foot  
  109. Yorkshire Rows: 4 mums rowing across the Atlantic
  110. Kristina Paltén: ran 1144 miles across Iran on her own
  111. Nikki Misurelli: travelled solo around the world on a motorbike
  112. Katy MacMillan-Scott: walking 2,500miles in memory of her best friend from Rotterdam to Istanbul over a number of years
  113. Faye Shepherd: cycled the length of new Zealand
  114. Newall Hunter: first scot to complete the ‘adventurers grand slam’
  115. Lindsey Cole: walked 1,600km through the remote Western Australian bush, following the rabbit-proof fence
  116. Jonny Wolf: completed 3800km solo cycle across South America
  117. Lucy Shepherdreenact the famous operation Grouse mission in  WW2 
  118. Amy Tunstall cycling tour across Canada
  119. Draglo  Matt and Sam tackling British rivers on a dragon-shaped pedalo
  120. Ed HuntBristol to Brisbane on a bike 
  121. Pretenniless – Lily and Sarah travelled to every state without spending a penny

Have any other adventure ideas or know any inspiring adventures I’ve missed out? Let me know if the comments box below.

If you found this blog helpful, follow me on FacebookTwitter and Instagram. Or you can subscribe to my YouTube channel. I give all my advice out for free on my website. If you want to say thanks, you can buy me a coffee!

*Any women reading this?* I founded a women’s adventure community called Love Her Wild. Check out our private Facebook page and see what adventures we have coming up.

24 thoughts on “100+ adventure ideas to get inspired

  1. Bex you can add to you list the camino de santiago. It can be started from any where in Europe. You could if you wanted to walk out of your front door and eventually join one existing routes to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela. Then there the Trans Sibera express, a cross Russia to China and beyond by train. Seat61 has all the information on train travel. . If you are looking for shorter adventures then there’s the world’s biggest walking event the International Four Days March Nijmegen 200km in four days. . Then there the Belgium Death March ( Dodentocht ) 100km in under 24 hours. As a last suggestion the European Long Distance Paths ( ) offer the plenty of choice and distance. I have walked most the final stage ( Cyprus ) of the E4. I have plans one day to do the Crete Section. Next years plans are to do the Grand Enchantment Trail Trail its a 770+ mile wilderness trekking route across the Southwest U.S. I will have a look at the links you have posted maybe I will be inspired by someone else’s adventures.

  2. Wow that’s a long list Bex, going to take me some time to get through it. 🙂

    I’ve always wanted to do the Appalachian trail, I watched ‘In to the woods’ which is my all time favourite film and it really inspired me.

    1. It’s a great film! I’d really love to do the AT one day, it just takes a long time. Although I saw the owner of Tough Girl Tribe is planning to do it in 100 days which is a pretty cool challenge.

    1. Not heard of the Way of the Roses before. I’ve been looking for a smaller bike adventure to do so will definitely check it out!

  3. That’s an amazing list! There’s enough reading there to keep me occupied for some time. I’m very happy that I’ve met a few people on your list, so many inspiring stories.

    1. I’m slowly making my way through each blog. Nothing gets me more motivated to do my own journey.
      Enjoy! 🙂

  4. These are great Bex, I am currently completing / compiling my own list (it never seems to end hehe), the one I didn’t see is Julianna Buhring – epic solo cycle around the world! I read her book after meeting her at Cheltenham Literature Festival last year – just incredible.

    I have loved reading your blogs too – keep them coming.

    1. Thanks Nicky! I know – too many cool adventures in the world.

      Julianna’s journey looks epic. I will add her to the list 🙂

  5. Wow I wasn’t expecting to see my name here!!! Just found your site while researching Mountain Leader training (which I’m doing next year) and I am loving your posts 🙂 would love to pick your brain about the ML

    1. Brilliant!! Your name is well deserved on the list 🙂
      Good luck with the ML. Did you see my post with my top tips? Always happy to have my brains picked..just let me know how I can help!

      1. I did, it was really helpful. Also doing mine at Plas y Brenin in Jan so will definitely give you a shout if I have any questions 🙂

  6. Bex, Have you read Tracks by Robyn Davidson? She walked across Australia in 1977 with camels to carry her packs. A great read and inspirational. She tells it all including all the frustrating planning and preparation stages which include landing in the middle of nowhere with nothing and learning to wrangle camels!
    Keep up the great trekking and writing.

    1. No I haven’t! I’m downloading it to my kindle now….it sounds like a great story (and maybe a little dangerous as I’ll probably want to then hike across Australia!!). Thanks Hils 🙂

  7. Ed Hunt’s adventure is so interesting biking is my passion and i want to go on biking adventure like he did. Great article, nice content. Good read and informative.

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