Scoot the Loop

10 things I learnt doing Scoot the Loop

10 things I learnt doing Scoot the Loop

A week has passed since finishing Scoot the Loop. I've caught up on sleep and my achy muscles have returned to normal. My bites are still visible, making me look like I have chicken pox, but they are healing - slowly. After months of preparing and getting excited, the...

Scoot the Loop – Completed!

Scoot the Loop – Completed!

It's always hard to get going again after a pint in the pub, although it helped that our next section was nice and easy going through millionaire streets (always well paved!) and golf courses. There was so much wealth around us - flash cars, mansions and drives with...

Scoot the Loop – A tough day

Scoot the Loop – A tough day

For dinner last night my dear friend Maria came and joined us for a picnic. It's not often I'm in her neck of the woods and it was nice to chat and be distracted from our challenge for an hour. Afterwards we had just a short 2 mile scoot and 15 minutes of searching...

Scoot the Loop – Death by calazone

Scoot the Loop – Death by calazone

After our pub dinner last night we pushed our scooters up a steep half mile hill then turned off the path into a field. This was undoubtedly the most beautiful section of the London Loop yet with large open green fields, woodlands and horses to keep us company. But...

Scoot the Loop – Nice day for a bike ride

Scoot the Loop – Nice day for a bike ride

Although I managed to get to sleep no problem and crashed at 11.30pm, I was up at 5am feeling nervous about Scoot the Loop. I gave up trying to go back to sleep at 7.30am so got up, showered and did one final check of my emails. For breakfast I ate a humungous portion...

I’m not ready for an adventure…

I’m not ready for an adventure…

So here I am...the day before we start our Scoot the Loop challenge. We've been talking, planning and daydreaming about this challenge for the past 4 months and I can't believe that the day has finally arrived. It's so exciting! This morning we packed the equipment...

Scoot the Loop: Packing List

Scoot the Loop: Packing List

We want to avoid carrying weight to give our knees the best possible chance on our 240km Scooter challenge, so packing light was essential for this trip. Thanks to OverBoard, we were able to kit out our scooters with 2 front waterproof panniers each.  At 12L...

A next adventure; Scoot the Loop

A next adventure; Scoot the Loop

Last month we packed up our much loved flat and moved in with family to save money for our upcoming trip. Saying goodbye to London was a tough one and worthy of acknowledgement in the way I know best - with an adventure! London has been such an incredible place to...

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