Patreon is an incredible platform that allows you to earn an income from your fanbase or supporters. The first Patreon is the hardest to get. Then, the second. Then, the third. Those first 30 or so Patreon’s are likely going to be the hardest that you have to work for. It’s well known that people like to support successful things and that numbers grow numbers. Most likely, you are pursuing your passion and wondering how to get more Patreons….you’re ready to start earning that income!

I published a book about my journey growing and monetising an online community. I also interviewed other community leaders for their top tips. Grab a copy of Gather here!

This is the second in a 3-part series on how to make a significant income using Patreon. In this post, I’ll be covering my top tips on how to get more Patreon supporters to sign up to your page. You’ll also want to check out:

How I passed $1,000 a month on Patreon….

I’m Bex Band, an adventure blogger and founder of the women’s adventure community Love Her Wild. My passion became my full-time job!

Starting a Patreon page – which supports my Love Her Wild community – was one of the best things I ever did. Now, with over 200+ Patron’s, it remains one of my biggest and most regular sources of income. (You can see my Patreon page here).

It wasn’t an easy journey to get where I am today, but it really was worth the effort. I’m now my own boss – working remotely anywhere in the world and completely choosing my own hours. Most importantly, though, I wake up every day and get to do something I love.

I actually published a book about my journey with all my top tips on how I grew a community and then monetised (including more details on how I launched a Patreon page). While this blog post will give you an overview, I’d really suggest grabbing a copy of my book, Gather, if you are serious about making a living from your fanbase.

Make sure you also follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

So now on to my top 9 tips… do you get more Patreon supporters?

#1 Never ask directly

Usually, if I were advising on promoting something or selling a product, I’d say to send out emails, contact friends and don’t be embarrassed to ask or sell directly. Patreon is different, though. I think it only works because supporters make the decision themselves, pressure-free, to sign up and then to continue that support.

For a lot of supporters, it can feel like they are doing a good thing. Supporting someone they admire and want to help out. If you sell directly, then you are taking away from that.

#2 Mention your Patreon page everywhere

Not approaching people directly doesn’t mean you shouldn’t mention your Patreon page on every source available. Promoting the page means getting it out there and being seen time and time again by your followers. Remember that new followers are finding you all the time, so even if you feel like you’ve mentioned Patreon 100 times this year already, for some, they will be hearing it for the first time.

Add a link to the bottom of your email signature, post it on all social media platforms and mention it in newsletters regularly. Mention it at the end of vlogs or in podcasts you produce.

Via Patreon, there is an option to get a logo that will link directly to your page. Put this on your website and at the bottom of blog posts.

Many marketers believe that people need to see something an average of 7 times before they buy or sign up for something, so your approach should be widespread repetitive cover rather than just a one-off.

#3 Use different content

Don’t keep using the same wording each time you plug Patreon. Instead, try using different approaches to tap into the various reasons people might sign up. Here are some approaches I have taken…

  • Describing Patreon as the equivalent of buying me a coffee each month
  • Explaining how it will directly support the work I am doing (helping more women to get outdoors), even getting testimonials from those it has helped so it’s not just my voice being heard
  • Focusing on the benefits to Patreons (like exclusive discounts and giveaways)
  • Listing the pressure-free setup of Patreon – no obligation, cancel at any time, etc
  • Thanking existing Patreon’s – showing how they are special and important to me so others might want to be part of that

In addition to this make sure you use different images, varying lengths of text and also try video to be more engaging.

#4 Make it personal

Patreon is a really personal thing. It is someone directly supporting you. So, make sure your responses are equally personal.

I write the names of my Patreon’s on the inside of my diary so I see them every day, and I share this on my social media platforms. It’s my way of showing how important they are to me.

Is there something you could do to show your Patreons how much they mean to you?

#5 Use incentives for new sign-ups

People often need an incentive to sign up for things. If there is no deadline, then it can become that thing that gets continually put off. I get loads of people saying, ‘oh I’ve been meaning to sign up for ages’.

Occasionally, I run a special promotion and give a gift or exclusive offer for any new Patreon signing up. This always works really well.

One thing I will mention is the leaving rate of Patreon’s who signed up with an incentive seems to be higher, so it’s worth bearing this in mind. On balance, though, I end up with more Patreon’s and increased income, so it’s worth it.

#6 Giveaways are great

Running giveaways also provides you with a deadline and an incentive for new Patreon’s to sign up.

All my giveaways are provided free of charge by relevant companies who are just happy to have exposure through my social media channels. It’s literally a case of just contacting a company and asking if they’d provide a prize. I always mention that in exchange, I’ll do a tag and photo on my social media channels and explain how much their reach will be. Never ask for just one prize though….I usually ask (depending on how big the prize is) for 3-10 so I always have a bank of prizes ready to go.

I try to run a giveaway once a month. When it’s a really exciting prize, I promote this saying ‘sign up before the end of the month to be in the prize draw’.

#7 Build a community

Communities are such valuable things. I think it’s nice to create a private space online just for your Patreon’s so you can share things exclusively or run tolls so they feel more involved in the behind-the-scenes of what you do. Facebook groups are the most effective for this.

#8 Keep that gratitude

When you get a new Patreon sign up, it’s important to send them a personal email or message to say thank you. I think it can be easy to lose that gratitude so think of ways you can maintain that sense that they are important. A follow-up email down the line just to remind them you are still grateful is a nice touch.

All this needs to be genuine. It’s important to remind yourself how valuable your Patreon’s are in making your goal or dream a reality. Think… can you show them this?

#9 Tap into your existing supporters

Don’t be afraid to ask your existing Patreon’s for their opinions and insight. Ask them what motivated them to sign up or what you could be doing more to make them feel valued. This is much better than just second-guessing.

They will know better than anyone else what it is that enticed them to sign up and what they wish they were getting that you aren’t already doing.

Check out my advice video for growing Patreon’s:

Final Tips for Get more Patrons on Patreon…

As I mentioned in the beginning, growing your Patreon page can feel like a slow process. Keeping positive is key to reaching your target!

If things aren’t working, don’t just give up. Instead, look for more creative ways that you might be able to get sign-ups.

Useful resources to help you with Patreon:

I hope these tips on how to get more Patreons have been useful. Do check out my own personal Patreon page and if you have any questions, ask away in the comments box below.

You can stay updated with my adventures and advice on Facebook and Instagram. Or you can subscribe to my YouTube channel. I give all my advice for free on my website. If you want to say thanks, you can buy me a coffee.

Gooid luck growing your Patreon community! 🙂

20 thoughts on “How to Get more Patreon Supporters | 9 Top Tips

  1. there was only 1 way so far for me that gave me some new patreon, not many, but a few. Another person who has a much larger number of patreons made a post about mine so some of his patreon added mine too.

  2. Well lets follow your advice and here is my Patreon which has lots of public stuff for those who do not want to sign up and lots of exclusive rewards for those who do want to sign up 🙂

  3. I’ve tried doing giveaways on YouTube. Every time I’ve chosen a winner and they never responded. I do also have an item I offer to send out on Patreon but nobody is joining at that tier so I haven’t sent any yet.

    1. Keep at it….maybe you need to cross-promote on other platforms. Or collect a number of prizes to make the giveaway more enticing!

  4. Hi Bex, i am a fellow Patreon Content Creator. I am curious about this article, i refer specifically to #6 about doing giveaways. You mention that you promote the patreon by saying “sign up before the end of the month to be in the prize draw!”. Ive recently been doing some research about giveaways, and ive come across some information that Patreon actually declare the necessessity to signup to Patreon as a way to enter a giveaway as not abiding by their terms and conditions 🙁 I want to run a major major giveaway just to my Patreons as a reward to supporting me. How do you go about doing these giveaways, is there a way of getting around Patreon clamping down on signing up to Patreon to enter giveaways?



    1. I’d not heard of this but it sounds like you just can’t use it as an incentive to ‘sign up this month to be in a giveaway’. Ie, a giveaway just for newbies – it needs to be a giveaway for all Patreons. I’m not certain on this but that’s how I understand it. I know a lot of Patreons that offer giveaways as a reward (in fact I don’t think I know any who don’t) without issue. I’ve certainly never had any issues myself with doing giveaways.

  5. Giveaways as you describe them in #6 are not allowed on Patreon (, as they qualify as Raffles (pay to enter with randomized chance to win), being that you only require them to pay your pledge amount in order to enter the giveaway. The way around that is to make it a contest, requiring not just being a Patron, but another fulfillment method that the Patron must do to enter. This could be answering a question, posting fanart in the community, writing a story, or something else that makes the user DO something other than just paying the pledge amount to enter and then YOU voting for the best submitted piece, favorite response, wittiest joke, etc.

  6. Thank you so much Bex, for the great post that helps me to better understand about Patreon. I previously created 4 level tiers, but then I unpublished the 3 of them since I think as a new user it’s better to keep things simple and focus on one type of content until I get some loyal followers by time. I mean, just because it’s a one type of tier, it doesn’t mean that we can’t be creative to make useful and engaging contents.

    As to comment on giveaways, I think Patreon provide something called ‘Special Offer’ to claim by new patrons?

    Feel free to visit my Patreon page here ☺

    1. Thanks – I’ll take a look!
      Simple is definitely the best approach I’ve found otherwise it al gets too complicated to keep on top of.

  7. Great advice! If you need help engaging your subscribers, consider using tools like

    It’s an AI Assistant designed for Patreon Creators which helps suggest personalized replies for direct messages and post comment convesations you have with your subscribers.

  8. Out of curiosity, do you have any tips for building a community for a creator who does long term projects (think several years per project) rather than constantly churning out new stuff? I write musicals, and my most recent took about 8 years to complete, and we’re just now beginning to work on the details for an actual production- a decade per project is about right for the time it takes to bring a work to fruition, hence the need to supplement with Patreon. This also means that I have very little to show until I finally have such a production, so I don’t quite know how to gain a following in the meantime. I don’t want to spoil too much of the show, so I’m unsure what to do, and could use any guidance you can offer.

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