As you will see on my Bucket List, for some time now I have wanted to join an all-female expedition. Not because I don’t like being around guys, but because I often find being with a group of like-minded women can be quite a liberating experience. I can’t imagine anything magnifying that more than doing an expedition together.

The outdoor adventure world is dominated by men, usually portrayed as strong rugged role models. It’s intimidating, competitive and exclusive…


For me, the beauty of adventuring is that it is accessible to everyone – regardless of your background, shape or motivation. Adventures can not be measured and, just like with love, they are totally in the eye of the beholder.

Why wait for someone else to make it happen?

As a result of founding the women adventure community, Love Her Wild, I already have an amazing group of women who are looking for more adventure in their lives (for any ladies who haven’t yet joined the Facebook group, you can find it here – you will find all sorts of inspiration as well as exclusive challenge events like this one). Not a bad starting point. I’ve also got a bit of space in my diary later this year and, most importantly, I have an idea…

The idea

For many, climbing the world’s highest mountain is an icon for adventure. Of course, doing so takes a lot of time, training and money – please do pass these along if you have any going spare! That’s where the Everest Challenge comes in.

6 women, over 5 days, in the Lake District climbing the equivalent height of Everest. That’s hiking an ascent of over 8,840 metres! We will be covering over 60miles and hiking over 45 peaks.

There is so much I like about this challenge. The fact that it is simple, cheap and on our doorstep. Mostly though because anyone can do it.

A big part of the Everest Challenge vision is using the expedition as a tool to motivate others to take on an adventure, in particular, women. As part of this, each team member will commit to doing something that will inspire other women, such as making a film or giving a talk.

The team

Who’s the team? I don’t know yet. Someone reading this hopefully! This expedition is open to everyone who identifies as a female. That’s all – race, history, education, religion and beliefs are all irrelevant. The will be made up of me and 5 others. If you want to find out more about me and my background you can read more here.

If you feel inspired to apply, all the information you need to know is below. Don’t hesitate!

I look forward to hearing from you.

Bex x

p.s. can’t make the dates? Don’t fret, sign up to my mailing list here so you will be the first to hear about future opportunities like the Everest Challenge.

All female expedition opportunity

How to apply

So there are a few things you need to know before you apply. Firstly, this is a big challenge so you will need to be fit and ready, if not now, then when we set off in 6 months time. You will be carrying your own food supplies, water and equipment, wild-camping each night and hiking up to 20km a day. Don’t worry if you don’t know where to start – a training plan will be put together for you by an expert.

Will it cost me anything?

There will be some costs involved in this expedition. We will be trying to get as much of the equipment sponsored. As well as looking for funding through grants and scholarships but, of course, this can’t be guaranteed.

Therefore, all team members need to be able to commit to paying the full ‘worst case scenario’ amount of £250. This will cover all training, equipment and logistics needed but does not cover transport to and from the expedition (in the Lake District) or the training weekend (location TBC). Depending on how successful we are with our applications, there may be no costs involved, but at this stage plan for paying the full amount if you apply.

The Commitment

By applying you agree to the following:

  • attending a training weekend on Friday 2nd (evening) – 4th June 2017
  • being available between Wednesday 13th and Tuesday 19th September 2017 for the expedition (this includes a travel day either side of the challenge)
  • following the training schedule in your own time so you are fit and ready for the challenge
  • spending some time helping the team look for sponsorship opportunities (duties will be split amongst the team and full instructions will be given on what you need to do)
  • doing 1 action that will inspire other women. This could be organising a talk at a local Girl Guides or school, writing an article about your experience, or any other idea you may have
  • being filmed, recorded and photographed for any promotional purposes and to writing at least 3 blogs during the training and expedition for
  • being a good and supportive team player who is accepting and tolerant of all peoples beliefs and opinions

Sign me up!

To apply, you need to join: the Love Her Wild Facebook group (here) and send an email (or video) to [email protected] with the following:

  • Name, age, location, occupation
  • A bit about you, what you are like as a person and what you like to do in your spare time
  • Why you want to join the Everest expedition and how you want to use this opportunity to change or recognise something in your life
  • 1 way that you might like to inspire other women/girls (it doesn’t need to be anything fancy!)

1000 word limit. Deadline: 15th March

(if you can’t join the group because you don’t have Facebook, the email alone is fine for now)

Let me know if you have any questions 🙂

17 thoughts on “My next adventure: Everest (sort of)

  1. Totally gutted! I work in a school and I won’t be able to get the time off. I would have totally been up for this. I have a military background and I love breaking the gender divide. If for any reason it moves into the school holidays, let me know.

    1. I understand your frustrations as I used to be a teacher! There will be more opportunities hopefully…sign up to stay tuned 🙂

  2. Woot Woot! This is amazing, Bex! I wish I would have seen this awhile back as I’m committed to an all women’s trek in Peru that following week in June. Have a great time and I can’t wait to see the finished product. I would very interested in any upcoming ventures!

  3. I am 100% interested in taking part in this challenge . Sounds fantastic. Will email an application later this week!

    1. Nope, not restricted to women in the UK. As long as you are happy to travel, you can live anywhere 🙂

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