Results for "husband"

2018 travel plans, adventures and goals

2018 travel plans, adventures and goals

The end of the year crept up so quickly that I have spent most of this month working out what I actually want to do next year. It feels like quite a significant year (I’ll go into more detail why in a separate blog) so I really wanted to make sure I did it right and...

2017 end of year summary; the highs and the lows

2017 end of year summary; the highs and the lows

I read through my 2016 Summary and goals a few times and found it an odd experience. I was such a different person at a completely different place in life back then. That was written by ‘Bex’ the trainee teacher from London who recently completed this mad hike in...

Still need some inspiration to do something awesome?

One of my most popular blogs is get inspired; 100+ adventure ideas. I'll admit it, I even head there myself sometimes for a re-read. This usually results in an afternoon lost reading adventure blogs and thinking up ideas for my next challenge. So I felt like it was...

Why I’m ok with being a hypocritical sexist

Why I’m ok with being a hypocritical sexist

Growing Love Her Wild, like growing any enterprise, has caused me all sorts of unforeseen stresses and annoyances....I never imagined men being one of them! For those of you that don't know, Love Her Wild is a non-profit community which I set up to encourage and...

Paddle Pickup; From 0 to 308km

Paddle Pickup; From 0 to 308km

No matter the distance, no matter the challenge, the last section always seems to be the toughest. My shoulders and lower back were not looking forward to the final 100km on the Paddle Pikcup expedition. And although I was excited about paddling through London, I...

The Everest Adventure: Meet the team

The Everest Adventure: Meet the team

About a month ago, I put out a public message saying I was looking for women to join me on an all-female expedition to climb the equivalent height of Everest over 5 days in the Lake District. Here’s what my insecurities told me; the challenge wasn’t good enough, no...

100+ adventure ideas to get  inspired

100+ adventure ideas to get inspired

Most of my adventure ideas come from one source....other people. Nothing gets my mind brewing more than reading, watching and following others on their adventure. It's FOMO of the good kind! I wanted to put together this post listing over 100 adventures that have been...

53 Things To Do in Israel (2024)

53 Things To Do in Israel (2024)

I've been lucky to spend a LOT of time in Israel thanks to a chance meeting with an Israeli while travelling....who then became my husband! I've visited the country multiple times and have even hiked the Israel National Trail (and had a bestselling book published...

Bex Band, me photo profile

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